Our Schedule

Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Weather, Birds and Trees

 Cullman,   AL

I knew when we moved to north Alabama to expect some crazy weather.   More than once we have gone to the basement when they call a Tornado Warning.    We thought this would be the case a few days ago.   Severe weather was all over the country.    Many tornadoes touched down in MO, MS, KS, AR  etc and continued north and east.   

 The closest one to us was several miles.   Our sky didn't even darken.  The winds blew but we were prepared for that.    Back a couple of months we had strong winds.   This is the only damage we incurred:

No need for an insurance claim.  I managed to pick up the grill cover and replace it myself.  

Last year when we put in a small garden, we first covered the ground with mesh ground cover.  The weeds took over anyway.    This year we thought we would try a plastic ground cover.   We carefully laid it out and placed stakes in several locations.   Along came the wind.  Cover blew off.   More stakes in more areas.   Along came the wind.  Cover blew off.   SO MORE AND HEAVIER STAKES.   Along came the wind.   This is how it looked following the recent winds.   

It doesn't look like that now.   The plastic cover is somewhere at the landfill.   I guess I don't have a choice.   Replace the ground cover with a hoe. 

We had a pear tree in the side yard.   We ate some of the pears after the deer feasted on it.   Two years ago we got few pears along with a lot of dead limbs.   Last year more dead limbs.   If fact, mostly dead limbs.  What to do.   

The tractor does the heavy work.

No pear tree and Leonard enjoyed himself.

For Christmas Leonard gave me a bird feeder   It includes a camera and solar panel.  Supposed to be able to get notifications on my phone when birds are on it.  Also has an app that identifies the bird.  When we were in PA at daughter Terris house at Christmas she uploaded the app.   (She had researched and actually ordered the bird feeder).  Len got it set up last week.

But, since I am really bad at technology, I couldn't get it to work.   I was instructed to input our WIFI.  I did.   It keeps reverting to Terri's WIFI and indicates we have a weak signal.  I would expect so as we live more than 800 miles apart.    I called daughter in law, Lois, for help.    She worked at it to where the instructions said to scan the code.  Nope.  Would not scan.    And it is back to Terri's WIFI.  Give up.  It is a pretty feeder but not cooperating further. 

Ok...... everything in life is not as this post indicates.   Just because the cover blows off the grill, just because the plastic ground cover won't stay put, just because we will not have pears, just because I can't get the bird feeder to work, just because off all these things..... does not mean that life is not good.    So looking forward to Spring.  Will use the grill again.   Will grow some veggies. Will buy our pears. Will continue to feed and watch the birds.   Will continue to enjoy life!

Until next time.....

Friday, February 7, 2025

Winters End? Spring Soon?

 Cullman,  AL

We have had an extremely cold winter here in north Alabama.  But far from what our families have endured in the Northeast and especially Louisiana.

The heaviest snow was on January 10.   Biscuit is re-thinking about going outside.

Then he looked around some more.

Ok, let's give it a try.   Look closely.   That is him out by the shop,

The snow only lasted a few days.   What was interesting was the ice sliding from the roof

We can hardly wait to get outside and be more active.   Len did get out a couple of days ago and turn over the garden.   While he did that, I cut back some dead flower stalks and plantings around the house.

The last few weeks we have hosted several RVers.   Not nearly as busy as previous years.

Also in the last few weeks we took two trips to the ER.    Early in the month Len was feeling poorly.  Chest congestion, difficulty breathing.  They kept him one night just to be sure it was nothing more than a chest cold. 

Then last Saturday he woke to a fierce backache.   He could hardly walk or move.   Same thing Sunday so off to ER again.    He was not admitted this time but given a shot and told to see family doctor.  He needs back surgery but due to other issues the cardiologist will not approve him for surgery.   He saw our doctor on Tuesday.  She suggested muscle relaxers.   

Len woke up Wednesday.   Even before getting the muscle relaxers with NO PAIN.  Still no pain.  Strange.   He has his regular check up at the pain clinic later this month down in Birmingham.   We will talk about acupuncture.  

We still go to 55East on Fridy nights and meet up with friends.   Len will still dance until legs give out.   He keeps on trying.     Not us but a view of the dance floor.

Since 2019 we had attended a local Senior Center once or twice a week.    We enjoyed our time there and met some wonderful people.   All good things come to an end.  Our time at the Center, sadly, has ended.    

Over the years they have implemented more and more regulations. We went along until the last one.   Starting in January the only items members are allowed to bring into the Center are car keys and phone.    No bags, no purses, nothing.   They are concerned people might take some food out that they have been served.  This is the same food that is delivered to shut-ins.   My feeling is that if this is a regulation, talk to the person seen removing food from the premises.  Don't punish the whole group.  This decision deeply saddens us but we will get over it.

We still go to a center run by Parks and Recreation on Monday afternoons.   We enjoy a lunch there then a Jam Session by local folks.  Oh, and a dance or two too.   Different restaurants provide the main dishes.   Folks bring desserts, etc.   A favorite is my jalapeno poppers.   I will be taking them on Monday.  So, we are still active.

Thats it folks!  Until next time.

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Quick trip then home again.

 Cullman, AL

We wanted to spend Christmas with some of those we love.  December 20 we left Alabama and drove a bit over 400 miles to nephew Jason and his Kelly who live close to I-81 near Wytheville, VA.  This is our usual stop over.   We appreciate their hospitality,    

Next stop was in Cumberland County NJ for two nights at a Red Roof Inn.  Biscuit is getting used to motels.  On Sunday morning we surprised our friends at our old church in Upper Deerfield, NJ.  Forgot to take pics except for one of the church.

We met up with my sister Debbie and my nephew Norm and his wife Vandra for lunch.   Again, forgot pics.

That night we had dinner with friends Jim and Janice and Dan and Judy.   And you won't believe this but again forgot pictures.

On Monday, in keeping of always planning ahead, we ordered our headstones.   We do own property in NJ.  Two VERY SMALL plots behind the church where I grew up.  My family all the way back to maternal great grandparents also rest there.     Here it is.   We got a discount as it was already engraved.

We figured it's cheaper to change our names and get the discount.

After that bit of business it was to daughter Amys in Maryland while we stayed until late Christmas morning.   A PICTURE:

Amy, Abby, Charlotte and Scott

Next stop daughter Terris in Pennsylvania.   Her hubby gave her a coat.   She is ready for a cold winter.

Here is that family

Steve, Terri, Karlie, Grandson Jusitn and Leonard.

Karlie, grandsons girlfriend, had been at Myrtle Beach in a Christmas shop.   She saw this ornament.

She bought it before Biscuit was missing.   So she did not plan on giving it to us.  By luckily, we got Biscuit AND the ornament.

The trip home on the 28th meant another overnight in VA.   While there we went to dinner with Jason and Kelly and another nephew Jimmy and wife Wanda with their son Hunter and wife Renee and grandson.   NO PICTURE!!!

We had a quiet new year's eve.  Two RVs were parked here but neither felt like partying.  Neither did we.   They told us they heard gunfire and fireworks at 12.   We were zoned out.

A few days ago we had a major blizzard.    Here is what our yard looked like.  Scary.

Then on Tuesday we had carpets laid in our office and guest room.  Wish I had taken a "before".  Here is the after.

We actually are expecting snow tonight and continuing into early Sunday.  They say 4 to 7 inches.  If everything was shut down on the 6th, imagine what it will be tomorrow.   We have some ice already on the pond.     On our local town Facebook page it shows completely empty shelves where bread would be and empty milk cases.   Typical.   Wondering about the toilet paper situation.

Have a great 2025.  Until next time.

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Why don't I lose weight?

 Cullman,  AL

Why don't I lose weight?   I think I know the reason.

November 28   THANKSGIVING equals FOOD

December 9   SWAMP JOHNS.  Fund raiser at Cullman Senior Center.    Shrimp, French Fries, Slaw                     Dessert equals FOOD

December 12    Christmas Party at Cullman Senior Center equals FOOD

December 15      Holiday Celebration at Sharon Grove Methodist Church equals FOOD

Son Lennie and DIL Lois

Paster Paul Campbell

December 16    Party at Donald Green Center equals FOOD

December 18        Party at Wallace Community College for all county Seniors equals FOOD

And FOOD for thought:

Dancing even at age 90+

Not allowing blindness to stop the dance.

Until next time Blessings of the Season

Monday, December 2, 2024

Old friends. Good times.

 Cullman, AL  and Montgomery MO

Whew!   I think I am done with mowing grass, hedge trimming and weed whacking for a while.  It's gotten COLD.   Down to the mid 20s at night.   This is not what I thought living in the South would be.  Hope not to be shoveling.  

In 1980 the company I was working for in NJ opened a facility in Missouri.    I spent the summer (where it was really HOT) out there.   I hired the office and trained the staff.   I was sent back to Missouri several times in the following years.   All these years I have kept in contact with the Office Manager.  When Leonard and I were full time RVing and passing through the area we would stop for a visit.   But that has been years ago.

I had the urge to see Tudie and her hubby John again.   So we took a quick 4 day drive to visit.   A bit over 500 miles each way.  I worked out route where all but about 20 total miles were on 4-lane highways.  Easy peasy.

I thought about a couple that we volunteered with while NOMADS.  I knew they settled in Missouri.  To everyone's delight that were not that far from Montgomery City.   We arranged to meet for dinner.  Both couples suggested the same restaurant about halfway between.  Perfect.   Not so fast.... we got there and it was closed.   But nearby was a Dennys.   We can do that.

That is Tudie and John in the foreground.  Next to Tudie is Marti then me.   Next to John is Leonard then Bill.    We were so glad to meet up with Marti and Bill.  We all have fond memories of our time together.   The two couples had never met.  But in conversation they discovered they knew LOTS of people in common.   Cool!

Biscuit was treated like a King.  Tudie took him for walks.   John fed him.  He made himself comfortable on their sofa and the guest bed.  I was concerned he would want to stay.  

Back in Cullman.   We continue to go to two different senior centers.   In a short while we leave for one that serves lunch then a Jam Session every Monday.

Always fun.

Son Lennie and DIL  Lois treated us to dinner at their house on Thanksgiving.  Of course I didn't take a picture.   But trust me, we were there.  As we were a few weeks before when they hosted their Christman motorcycle club that they founded and oversee its growth.

Cullman always has something going on.   USA Today has named Cullman to 3rd best small town in the country for Cultural events.   Southern Living has named Cullman the 9th best Christmas town.   

At this time it is their Christkindmrkt.    This town was settled by Germans so of course in October they have a huge Ockoberfest.    In the summer they have Third Fridays where streets are closed and various vendors set up.   

This is what it looks like now.   They even have an ice skating rink.

Then of course in the summer is Rock the South, a three-day concert that draws people from all over the world.   Upwards to 50,000 people attend.  2025 will feature Hank Williams Jr, Kid Rock, Nickleback, Clay Walker, Shenandoah, and many others.   If you want elite seating (in the pavilion, special parking, close by the stage, food, drinks, etc) it will only cost you $1,999.99 per person.  What a deal!

Well, time to get ready for todays fun.  I have a dump cake in the over to share.

Until next time.

Saturday, November 16, 2024

Moving into Fall

Cullman,  AL

My daughter Terri who lives in Pennsylvania travels to Nashville on business usually twice a year.   When she does, she takes a few extra days to visit us.   Two times while here we had RVers that have become friends also here.     Terri knew she would be here in early October, so friends Karen and Rick arranged that to be their semi-annual visit.  So happy this works for all of us.

For the first time in a few years, we had a garden.  Weeds overtook it quickly.  We did get some tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage and watermelon.   Len got a head start this fall turning it over.  We will try for better next year.  He's never happier than when he is on that tractor.

Biscuit loves when RVers arrive with dogs.   I tell RVers to call me when 3 miles away.  He hears the phone ring, sees me pick up the guest book and beats us to the road.    We recently hosted the cutest Basset.   Biscuit enjoyed his company.   Them getting acquainted.

Aren't you glad when humans meet, they shake hands?

Again, this year I made Leonard go along with me and dress for Halloween at the Senior Center and 55East where we go on Friday nights.

He was Zorro both times.      We are at Senior Center.   I won for best costume   (I have no pride)

And at 55East

We host our 421th and 422nd RV guests today.   But first we will be going to son Lennie and DIL Lois' for their annual Holiday dinner for their Christian Motorcycle group.

Then next week a short trip to Missouri to visit old friends.

Until next time.

Monday, October 14, 2024

Gone and back

 Cullman, AL

On my last blog I talked about the new beagle we adopted.  Gravy.   He is a sweetheart.  Loves to be held.

Biscuit and Gravy got along well.  Too well.   On September 8 they both got on a scent.  We have deer, turkeys, rabbits, squirrels, armadillos of the property.   Hard to say what they had their noses to the ground on.   They both took off for the woods.  Biscuit never did this before.   As they didn't come back and we couldn't find them, I put out a notice on the local Facebook page.

Six the next morning I got a text that a beagle was on the back porch of a house about a mile and a half away.   We immediately drove to the house.  It was Gravy.  The search was on for Biscuit.  So many people were helping.   A gentleman with a drone, FB sites about lost and found dogs, friends who passed the information along.     No siting's.   No Biscuit.   Leonard and I were frantic.

During this time we seldom left the house.   No church, no senior centers, nothing.   We searched and searched.    On September 17 we both resigned to ourselves, he was gone.   

We had some errands to do in town.  While there we stopped at DQ for Blizzards.    I got a text message.   With a picture.    Is this your Biscuit?   YES.   Will he come to me if I call him?   YES.  Will he let me pick him up and take him into our house?   YES.    We are on the way.

When we got there, he came bounding down the steps to Leonard.   We all cried, including the kind young woman that found him.   As it turned out, while in HS she was friends with our granddaughter, and we had met years ago.

He was found one half mile from home.   Walking on our road.  Toward our house.  We were told to hang dirty laundry outside on trees, etc. every morning.  Replacing them the next day.  I did that.  Dogs will pick up our scent.   Is this what was happening?    

He loved being home.  And immediately went to his favorite spot on the porch.

About the clothes hanging on trees.   I am missing one item.   I forgot where I hung them.  Missing is my PJ top.   Maybe this wasn't the best item to hang in a wooded area.

I'll look again after the leaves fall.

Now about Gravy.    We realized he will run off again.  Doing what Beagles do,  And take Biscuit with him.  I tried to find him a home.   Talked (pled with so many. )  No takers.   We had talked to the local shelter.   They would take him but not until the 26th.   So, we continued to try to find him another home.   Our temporary solution was to tether him outside several times a day.   He was always so good while I hooked the leash.  Then when I unhooked it, he would run right to the door to come in.  He continued to follow me everywhere.  He really is a sweet dog.

September 26 came around.   With sadness and a few tears, we took him to the shelter.  I hugged him goodbye.   This was a 9 am .   The next morning at 10 am, a shelter employee called to let me know they were doing paperwork for his adoption!   He was there 25 hours and found a new home!   The next day I saw a picture of Gravy and the young woman that fell in love with him as soon as she saw him. A happy ending for all.

Until next time.