Our Schedule

Friday, May 24, 2024

Busy May and it's not over yet.

 Cullman, Al, and Dallas Tx

Our May started out busy and will continue through June.

The early part of May saw several RV guests.   One couple stayed for 5 days. They wanted to see all they could in the area.   We took them to two of our favorites, Rattlesnake Saloon and the Coon Dog Cemetary.

They had seen signs for the Jesse Owens birthplace and Museum.   We had never stopped there so this was the perfect opportunity.  We are glad we did.

Jesse was not a large man but was he ever FAST.

He won several races and the broad jump in the 1936 Olympics held in Berlin, Germany a time when Hitler was in power.   In the museum they run a video on a continuous loop narrated by Jesse.  He tells of what it was like being a black man in Germany at that time.    He handled it with grace and dignity.  If ever in our area, this is must-see.

Mother's Day being May 12, I received a gift of flowers from my daughter Terri on May 7.  We were leaving on May 8 to go to Dallas for our grandson's college graduation.   Terri thought it was the next week.   After the flowers arrived Len called our neighbor Gary to ask him if he had gotten flowers for his wife Ashley yet.   When I told Terri we were leaving the next day, she asked us to give them to Ashley.   We had already handled that.   Gary and Ashley walked down a bit later and we all had a nice visit.  

After we pulled out the suitcases, Biscuit stayed close by one of us.   The morning we left, Len walked out to the car to start loading.   Biscuit jumped off his sofa on the porch and ran to the back door of the car.   Len opened it and in he jumped.   He refused to come out for the next hour as we packed up and got ready.

No way were we going to leave him.

Grandson Jared graduated from University of Texas, Arlington.   What a graduation class!  

Doctorates, master and bachelor's degrees.   This is Jared (with our grandson Jeremiah).  Proud to say Jared graduated with honors.

Earlier this week, daughter-on-law Lois treated me to a lunch out for Mother's Day.   She also gave me a potholder she croqueted, a scrub she makes from dandelions and goat milk soap.

I have been suffering with terrible allergies this year from whatever pollen is around.  I suffered prior going to Texas and Louisiana and upon return.  Not in Texas or Louisiana.   To help me a bit Len offered to mow.   I am glad to say I am not the only one who gets stuck in soft earth around the pond.

I got the truck, he hooked it up and I pulled him out.

I'm thinking..... do I really want him to mow?

Our busy month will continue.   We leave on Monday for our granddaughter Charlottes HS school graduation in Maryland.   We will stay at daughter Amy's for a few days.  Then to PA to daughter Terri's for a visit.

We get home on 10th June and will have granddaughter Abby with us.  On the 11st we meet daughter D'Juana in Vicksburg, MS to get grandson Jeremiah and then back home on the 12th.  We will have Jeremiah while D'juana and Joe move from Dallas area to Austin area. 

Len is thrilled to have this time with Jeremiah.

On my, no rest until late June.  Maybe?    Gotta love it.

Until next time....

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Spring and A Fall

 Cullman,  AL

Ah.... Spring time in Alabama.   It was time to bring in more stone to the RV sites.  (Our 358th guest arrives later today).    While no guests were here, we had stone delivered and Len was happy to spread it on the sites.

This makes for a nicer spot for our guests as some areas were getting low and puddles would form.  Every few years we add a layer of stone.

Now for the Fall

Between guests I like to mow that area.   Behind where the rigs park, we have an area with a picnic table, bench, two lounge chairs and a fire pit.  We also provide plenty of wood for the campers use.  I asked Len to flip over the picnic table as it needed mowing under it.  The picnic table flipped back and knocked Len completely into the fire pit.  As I turned around on the mower, I saw him screaming.

The table was on one of his feet that was caught on the top of the firepit.  I got the table upright.  Then attempted to get him out of the fire pit.    I so much wanted to take a picture of him but thought better of it.   

It was obvious I could not lift him and he was squeezed it such that he could not help himself.   I called our neighbor Gary and got no answer.  We later talked to him and he was in Costa Rica.  Would have taken him too long to get here.

So, I removed all the cinder blocks on one side of the pit.  Then got Len to a sitting position.  THEN I took the picture.

He is fine.  Got a small cut on one knee.  We actually had our usual dance night with friends.  His back felt better and he danced more than usual.  

Several friends have been telling us about a function on Monday afternoons at another Senior Center.  Two Mondays ago we attended.  Many musicians get together for a Jam.  A lunch is provided by various restaurants and people also bring food.  All free for attendees.   People put a dollar with their name written on it into a jug.  A dollar is pulled and the name on it gets all the money.  My first time there and  I won $51.00.  Yippee.  You bet we go back every Monday now.

Back to Spring


By back porch:        

            Along front walkway:

        Peonies that only lasted until a rain two days after they came into full bloom:

        Our tiny veggie garden.  Tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, yellow squash, watermelon and cabbage.

Until next time Happy Spring and no fall!