Our Schedule

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Project done... Back in Louisiana

Vinton, LA

We finished our three weeks volunteering in Decker United Methodist Church on Thursday.

While there we build a new handicap ramp

Dismantled an old play scape

Our co-workers repainted the existing handicap ramp:

Did lots of minor repairs, including the changing out of a toilet seat

And a bit of landscaping

On Friday morning we left the Austin area for Houston and parked in the yard of fellow NOMADS Olan and Lola Halbert

These generous folks provide us a site to park when in the area so we can visit with daughter D'Juana and her family.   On Saturday we drove down to Pearland where they live for a days visit.   Once again, Son-in-law Joe grilled some of the best steaks we've ever tasted.

On Sunday morning we hooked up and drove to Len's hometown of Vinton, LA where we are settled for the next few weeks visiting family and friends.  And a well needed rest.